1. The Rockumentary - When Zack and the gang show off there musical side and take the world by storm!
2. Jessie's Song - This is when Jessie overdose's on Caffeine Pills.
3. Slater's Sister - In this episode Zack falls for Slater's sister causing trouble and tention amoung the friends so to make things better they dress up in 50is clothes and hold a sock-hop at the Max. I've always been a fan of 50ies music!
4. Screech's Spaghetti Sauce - I love it when the cheerleaders can cheer about anything. In this episode the gang try to market Screech's Uncles spaghetti sauce not realizing that its a recipe from the betty crocker cook book -oppse!
5. Snow White and the Seven Dorks - A rap version of the popular fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
6. Dancing to the Max - Casey Casum holds a dance contest at the max....Kelly is torn between whether or not to go with Zack or Slater.
7. The Friendship Business - Another excuse to get down on the dance floor - works for me!
8. House Party - Screech's mom's Elvis statue gets broken due to horseplay.......More classic pop culture in this episode.
9. Miss Bayside - Zack invents a Zit Cream that actually works however it turns your face maroon red after 24 hours.....Kelly uses it and jeopordizes her chance at being Miss Bayside.
10. - All In The Mall - The gang find 5000 dollars and are followed by bad guys trying to get the money from them. In the end they realize it was all a joke caught on Kandid-Camera.
What's your favourite episode?
Wow, what a difficult question. We have dedicated hours upon hours of time to Saved by the Bell, whole evenings or days towards this show... kinda shocked you didn't post a 3rd Rock blog or maybe that's still to come.
Favourite episode, I'd have to say King of the Hill, was supposed to be the introductory episode even though it was introduced near the end of the season. I think this was the one episode we all remember watching first, where we are "introduced" to the new characters. This show would then blossom into 4 great years of the best show ever to hit TV. It's just to bad it's sister "The New Class" is lumped into the same category, worst shows ever.
Besides that episode, I'd say the wedding in the las vegas, here we got a final taste of the old crew and it tied up all the loose ends and the perfect ending that we all knew or wanted to happen since the day they started high school.
Of course I love the caffeine pills one and the Zack Attack one, but another that I like is the one where there's a cowboy themed dance in the gym and Slater and Jessie accidentally get locked in the boiler room!! Is that in one of the ones you mentioned?
Wow saved by the bell talk about older times ....yea I liked the one when they made the rap about snow white and altered the ending so zach didnt have to kiss jesse. Also the one with the dance at the max is another of my favourites but i cant forget the one when they start their wn radio show in bayside. and then they find out the true past of mr.belding and then try to keep the station going with everyone else trying to shut it down.
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