Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Paparazzi

In todays world there are so many different forms of media.  So many movies, so many magazines, music videos, commercials, products, endorsements everything you name it!   So much media that more and more people are becoming famous but there becoming famous for less credible reasons and for far shorter periods of time.   But nun the less they get their 15 minutes of fame which is all I myself ever really wanted.  Someone who helps them achieve this success is the paparazzi!  The word paparazzi interestingly enough, was introduced by the Italian 1960s film "La Dolce Vita".  One of the characters in the film is a news reporter named Paparazzo (played by Walter Santesso).  The word paparazzo in Italian dialect refers to something fast and of constant movement, or even something referred to as a particular annoying noise like a mosquito, or the click of a shutter bug like on a camera.  The word paparazzi is the plural version of the word paparazzo.  Paparazzo was known for his quick unstaged candid photographs of celebrities.
     The paparazzi is one of those things that celebrities love to hate.  They hate that they cant go anywhere without being followed and photographed by the paparazzi but they would be even more devastated if they weren't followed or payed attention to at all!  Oh darn I have to sign off for the time being I think I'm being tracked by the paparazzi!

1 comment:

kyle said...

i dont know anyone who wants to be famous more than you . go get em!