Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tough luck Daddy-O - Pog is Too Hip For You!

     Does anyone remember Pogs?  Why the hell did we ever stop playing them?  I mean sure they were the earliest forms of gambling for kids, along with marbles and X-men trading cards - but it was all in good fun right?
     For those of you who don't remember Pogs or h
avn't had the satisfaction of playing Pogs allow me to educate you:  Pogs is a game that was popular in the early 1990s.  The word "Pog" also refers to the discs used to play the game(slammers).  The name originates from POG, a popular brand of juice.  Back in the 1930s before they had disposable plastic bottles, juice, milk and other such beverages came in glass bottles - where a round circular cap was found under the lid designed to keep the bottle sealed. The use of Pog bottle caps to play the game pre-dated the game's commercialization; The game of Pogs originated in Hawaii during the borring 1930s when kids didn't have anything else to do except play with bottle caps.
  I still have all my pogs that I collected from w
ay back in 1995 so if anyone is ever up for a game - Slammer Jammer on down cause this Pog kid is back in town!

Here are some of my Pogs:


Tim Kendall said...

Wow Pogs, I must say I never knew that the name originated from a drink, I did know they came from bottle caps though. I guess you learn something new everyday.

Ya, it was quite funny Pogs had a few phases at my school (Branlyn) they rivalries at recess got so extreme that they were banned permanently on 3 separate occasions, until kids started bringing them back and slowly expanding. Branlyn kids in my age group were all about the hockey pogs, I remember in one recess my buddy gave me one because I didn't have one and in that time I managed to collect about 25 new ones. To this stay I still have my hockey pog collection, my goal as a kid was to try to collect them all, all 574 (I think) and I fell about 20 short before I lost interest.

Good blog though way to trigger old childhood memories

Steph07 said...

I LOVED pogs.. not really the actual game but I loved collecting them! My favorites were the disney pogs, including the Lion King and Casper.

This summer we used them as lucky charms at Bingo, remember? Gambling all over again... we continued the tradition!

ben_oli said...

haha pogs wow i still have some locked in my room. That's how cool I am....I didn't know they dated back so far to drinks thats pretty interesting. Yea they were alot of fun to collect and everything and i don't really understand why they stopped. but yea my favourite were the hockey player pogs and trying to get your favourite players.

ryanjanssen said...

Pogs that really takes me back, I remember back when I was obsessed with them back in grade school. I even remember getting the "Pog Stadium" for my birthday,Which I think it came with like 1000 different pogs,no idea where it is now.

arty martin said...

i have zero recollection of pogs .. of course, i'm 7 years older than you .. but to relate, i can tell you all about marbles. the actual fist fights that occurred .. the abuse .. oh the abuse .. yeah we had handzies, and footsies, .. it all lasted one spring back in 1987 .. and all the marbles i won .. became arsenal for the new favorite toy .. the SLINGSHOT ..

other than the pog entry .. i read through your entire blog .. i'm sorry to say freeborn but your life as i've read so far according to your blog seems rather mediocre and full of cliche white boy-isms .. but if you co-starred along side zack he'd have no chance .. we both know your way cooler than he'll ever be .. on tv and in real life ..

kyle said...

pogs! Gambling for kids, lol

kyle said...
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