Monday, December 1, 2008

Pop Culture Obsessed!

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog or should I say my world of imagination.  I've never been one who writes a lot, but hopefully with the creation of this blog I will improve my writing skills and develop some writing creativity.  Its hard for me to put into words the type of person I am.  Basically in simplest form I am the original wannabe - always chasing a silly dream, knocking on doors that never seem to answer.   I've always been very driven and motivated but never really get anywhere.  I'm now 23 years old, but I am still very much a child.  I daydream a lot and I live in a fantasy world.  I have always been obsessed with pop culture of all kinds, weather its music, t.v. shows, games, art, movies you name it!  So join me as I reminisce!


Tim Kendall said...

I don't really know what more to say here except great blog man. It triggered a few things in me and let me express my thoughts and brought back great memories. Thanks

Steph07 said...

I second that, I love it, great job! Keep it up!

ben_oli said...

Jason this was a great way not only to broaden your writing skills but a great way to involve modern individuals with the false society of saved y the bell. It addresses key concepts which we shall face everyday. Ps. I dont think there is a problem with your writing skills, but great blog and keep it coming! :)

kyle said...

nice pic :)